This is a beautiful Christmas poem the Lord gave me this year. I hope it blesses you as it did me while I wrote it down. Afterward, I felt a real sense of urgency that our time is short.
What Will You Do With This Jesus?
Mary Jane Downs
December 15, 2018
Sitting here in my den filled with bright light
Thinking about that one blessed long ago night.
When the entire world was about to be forever changed,
But few even noticed…distracted by more “important” things.
The story of Jesus had started months before then
When an angel had visited Mary in her little den.
The prophets had for told that the Savior would come.
Now Mary was being told the Savior would be her son.
Mary and Joseph, her betrothed, went through horrible shame
Because people wouldn’t believe what God had proclaimed.
The gift that He had promised for so many centuries
Was now coming in a way that seemed to them too mysterious.
Still…on that blessed night, all went according to God’s holy design.
Jesus was born without any thought or plan from mankind.
He lay in that out-of-the-way straw-filled manager for all to see.
But only a few shepherds and three wise men felt the need.
Incredulously you may say, well…if the birth happened today,
We, the enlightened, would be much more aware than they!
How could they let such a glorious event pass them by?
“I” would have surely done more when Jesus arrived!
It’s sad to say that today not much has changed.
Man desiring more temporal earthly treasures to gain.
Jesus has lived among us through the Holy Spirit for over 2000 years
And most of the world still ignores Him or jeers.
So now I look to you and say with love
“What will you do with this Jesus, God’s son?
Is He more significant then your “important” earthly plans?
Will you bow at the manger and hold His divine hand?
Everyone has to make the choice for themselves,
Accept God’s gift or place Him up on your dusty shelf.
You have only this lifetime for that conscience decision.
Choose wisely, my friend, it will be eternally written.
Micah 6:8
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourselves and walk humbly with your God?
Deuteronomy 10:12
And now, Israel, what does the Lord you Go require of you but reverently to fear the Lord your God, this is to walk in all His ways and to love Him. And to serve the Lord your God with all your mind and heart and with your entire being.
Poems the Lord gives me usually form a picture when I complete and center them.
Can you see the picture in this one?
I had just bought one in preparation for the snowstorm we just had here in Western NC.
Beautiful-- Thank you, Mary Jane!
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome! May the blessings of knowing the Savior fall on you and your family now and through the coming year.
DeleteI enjoyed reading thhis