My friend Josie asked me if she could tell me about a dream
she had had and what I thought it meant. I knew depression had been trying to
crush her lately so I was glad to help, if I could.
In the dream, Josie was lying down on the ground. A huge
rock was on top of her so that she could hardly breathe. She struggled
desperately. Yet, no matter how hard she tried, Josie could not get the rock
off. The dream ended.
Afterwards, I closed my eyes. I got the picture of a stick
person (Josie) squirming and frantically trying to push the large rock off her
chest. With my eyes still closed, I felt the Holy Spirit’s strength come up from
my innermost being. Then, I noticed the
outcome in my vision started to change directions. As the stick figure
continued to push and rest then push again, the rock eventually rolled away. The rock did not move because of her power
but after the power of the Holy Spirit infused her with His strength. As soon
as the load was removed, Josie was able to stand up, climb upon the rock, and
claimed the victory. When arms rose high, I saw the stick figure’s countenance
glorify Jesus with all her might.
Later, I realized that the stick person could represent
anybody with a ‘heavy situation’ on his or her heart. As, I sought the Lord; this
is what He gave me.
Remain under the
influence of the Holy Spirit. When we received Christ, the Holy Spirit came
to live within us. It was like our soul was knitted together with His power. He
is our seal of sonship so he never desires to leave us or forsake us. He job is
to energize us with boldness and inspire us with godly wisdom and direction. If,
we continually choose to obey His advice, the victory will manifest in its
designed time. Half-heartedness or double-mindedness can hinder our progress so
consistency is vital.
Replace your worldly
vision with God’s proactive promises. The Holy Spirit inspired the Word of
God. The Bible is His textbook. He leads us to the perfect promises. As we add
our faith, then results are assured. We have to keep in mind that God was not
born yesterday. He is not rushing around up in heaven trying to figure out what
to do next. He knew about our situation since before we were born. Therefore,
He has the completed plan already in mind. He does not have to guess what the
outcome will be. Now, all we are required to do is pray, listen and choose to
be lead by His Spirit. Remember…your faith is not in what you can do but what the
Holy Spirit can do supernaturally through you and for you. Looking unto Jesus….
the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Reap the rewards for
God’s kingdom. In order to stand upon the rock in the end, we have to
consistently stand upon the promises until the situation completely disappears.
Afterwards, we may have a clear understanding of why God allowed our
circumstances to surface in the first place. We do not like going through these
painful times, but the maturity gained in our spiritual understanding makes us
soon forget the trouble we once had to endure.
As the Holy Spirit reminded Paul, I will remind you:
My grace is
sufficient for you:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9
What is the rock that makes you breathless? Is it
you’re...self-esteem, lack of direction or motivation, job, finances, spouse or
children? Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the deepest root issue and then
to the promises that will help you overcome. Mediate on those promises until
faith arises. Then wait and see how the stone rolls away.