Monday morning started off good until I went downstairs. I
heard a noise coming from the direction of my freezer. When I went to
investigate, it had been left open. How could this be? Suddenly, I remembered I
had cleaned out some old food the night before.
As I checked the remaining food, my joy began to
deteriorate. Fortunately, I only lost about a third of what remained. Then my
thoughts began to turn inward.
“You should have made
sure you closed the freezer door.”
“Look at how much
food you’ve wasted.”
“Look at the money
you’ve wasted.”
“You should have done better.”
“When will you
I was anxiously pacing the floor. An old mind-set was activating.
The self-condemnation was building. Worry and fear were not far behind. My
focus had turned inward and the victim mentality was forging ahead.
Suddenly, I yelled out, “NO MORE!” as I sensed God moving
within me to implement a new plan of attack. I need to ‘change my mind’ now. I refuse to become self-absorbed. I’ve
had enough of the enemy’s frame of mind. My focus must be on God and His Provision. Ok Lord, where should I begin?
These three actions burst into my mind: I’m going to praise,
I’m going to pray and I’m going to pass out some food.
Praise- My heart
and hands flew upward to where all true blessing come.
I began praising God for who he was to me. Next, my thoughts
turned to what Christ had done on the cross and who I was in Him. These
thoughts allowed the spirit of boldness to shine forth. Last, I remembered how
God had helped me previously so I knew He would help me right now. Joy began to
shine forth in my soul.
Prayer- I aliened
my will with God’s so His power could work on my behalf. I ask for wisdom,
protection and alertness to ungodly thoughts. Thankfully worry and fear drain
away. A plan of action for planting seeds formed and more joy flooded my soul.
Pass out some food-
I knew of several families that would appreciate some free meat to help them
stretch their tight food budgets. I made a list and began calling. When a
friend would answer the phone, I started off with, “Have I got a deal for you!”
By the day’s end, I noticed an enduring joy stabilizing my soul. The
transformation of an old mind-set had begun.
Where is your mind-set when everyday challenges strike? Is
your focus on God or turned inward to self-condemnation? We all have mind-sets,
which need to change? These misguided thought-patterns are how we cope when
life challenges us. They force us to focus on our abilities instead of on God’s

The mind of sinful man is death,
but the mind controlled by the spirit is life and peace.
Romans 8:6
Casting down
imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Every good and
perfect gift comes from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with
when is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17
Just a footnote 9/25: I have already received seed blessings from two very unexpected sources. Thanks God from whom all blessings flow.
I loved this. I needed it! I may be returning back to it again and again. This made me think of all the negativity I hear each weekend and how I just about always have the victom mind-set. As this says, "no more!" I may need to be reminded to say that though :) Love you, sweet friend.
ReplyDeleteSo glad the post was helpful.It is a new direction for me in some areas and we all need a reminder to remain focused. Love ya!
DeleteGreat way to turn a bad situation into one that blessed you and others. Loved the three easy steps.
ReplyDeleteThanks my friend. This is the beginnings of my just say no program.
Delete"Where's the beef?" (Just kidding, I couldn't resist & only us old people remember that old hamburger commercial anyway.) :)
ReplyDeleteLoved this post, Mary Jane. It's a great lemons to lemonade God-story!
I love a good joke! I have not heard that one in a while. This meat of a message is something I need to practice often. Thanks!
DeleteGreat post thhankyou